March 21-27, 2023
|Richmond, VA
In 2021, the Jefferson Cup Girls Showcase Weekend was ranked the #1 overall youth tournament and the #1 girls youth tournament in the United States. In 2020, the Jefferson Cup Girls Tournament Weekend was ranked the #3 overall youth tournament and the #2 girls youth tournament in the United States.
Time & Location
March 21-27, 2023
Richmond, VA, 13030 Genito Rd, Midlothian, VA 23112, USA
About the Event
At the Tiro Sports US College Soccer Tours, aspiring college players will be exposed to three key elements of the recruiting process.
Playing Exposure
The biggest obstacle international players face is a lack of opportunities to be seen and evaluated by US College Coaches. At a Tiro ID Camp, players will be scouted by NCAA coaches from the best academic and athletic colleges in the US, in an 11v11 competitive environment.
Educational Seminars
The college recruiting process can be as daunting as it is complicated. Learn directly from the mouths of the college coaches about how to navigate this unfamiliar territory through Tiro’s classroom style seminars. The seminars will cover a variety of topics, including Scholarships, How to Communicate with College Coaches, NCAA Rules and Regulations, and The Life of a College Athlete.
College Visits
Part of the tour will see the players visit colleges and experience how life on campus looks like by meeting athletes and coaches whilst taking in the full facilities from sports to boarding and classrooms. A superb way to see what college is right for you!